Atlas 2 US$ 99.00
US$ 19.00

Atlas 2 


The big list of new features and bug-fixes that have been added to Atlas 2.

If you have any ideas for things you'd love to see added or have found a bug don't be shy, let us know! 



 - Feature Update

Large "quality of life" update to streamline workflow and smooth the experience. 
This is a recommended update.
New Features
Sequencer: Randomize and Lock buttons are now directly on the Sequence Channels
Sequencer: Rotate individual channel.
Sequencer: Added '64th' and '64th triplet' grid sizes.
Sequencer: BPM Modifier for DAW. Play a sequence at half or double the DAW bpm.
Map Filter - Folder: Now showing number of samples in each folder.
Map Filter - Folder: Improved ticking/unticking of sub-folders.
Map Filter - Folder: Much faster scanning time.
Map Filter - Folder: Entries now sorted alphabetically.
Map Filter: Map now updates much faster to changing filter settings, especially 'filter by folder'.
Map Filter: Right-click Filter header to expand that filter and hide all other filters. (nice if you don't have a large screen)
Map: If 'Select on Hover' is active then Similar Samples will only update if a sample is clicked. This makes everything faster and also easier to not lose a nice sample if you hover back over the map.
Map: 'Select on Hover' in Galaxy mode no longer triggers on samples that have been filtered out.
Map: Use middle mouse button to navigate the map. (no samples are selected)
Map: Map List now works with the navigation shortcuts (eg. WASD, hot-swap, retrigger) that are set in Settings.
Map: When creating a map, 'Use file/folder name as category hint' is now on by default.
Map: Added 'Refresh' button to Map Browser for quick rescanning.
Standalone: Audio/MIDI settings now moved to top of Settings page.
Standalone: Will now politely ask if you really want to exit instead of just doing it instantly.
Standalone: Now using native OS windows and window buttons. (ie. close, maximize, minimize)
App: Small graphical tweaks on the panel alignments.
App: Resizing can now be done by dragging any edge of the app. (some DAWs might not support this though)
Drum Kit: DAW will now show the Drum Category as the Note name. Not all DAWs support this unfortunately. (eg. Ableton does not, but Reaper and FL Studio do)
Sample: All Advanced Sample controls now support multi-selected drums. (especially handy for Choke groups)
Sample: Shape Release can now be longer. (1.5 seconds instead of 0.65 seconds)
Sample: Sample start and end positions and fades are now locked by 'parameter lock'. eg. set all the envelopes to very short, parameter lock, 'New Kit' for different sounding glitchy drums.
Export: You can now customize the rules for export folder and file names. eg. include the BPM, put index first, include sample category...
+ various other performance improvements.
Bug fixes
App: Fixed bug where sometimes entering knob values with number keys would result in double-presses.
MIDI Out: MIDI Out now reflects the Drum Kit settings. eg. Using General MIDI or changing the Root Note will output the correct notes.
MIDI Out: Notes generated by triggering the Drum Pads on the UI now have MIDI note-off events generated.
Map Filter: Folder: Samples contained in FLX loops and Drum Kits are now handled properly.
Map List: Fixed sorting issues when samples in different folders had the same name.
Map List: Fixed bugs where sometimes the position in the Map List would 'jump around' if you were changing things like 'favorite'.
Map: Fixed bug where samples that have been removed from the Map could still be hovered.
Sequencer: Fixed bug where resetting BPM would go to 20 bpm.
Drum Kit: Fixed bug where lock buttons would stay visible after leaving hover in multi-select mode.
Drum Kit: Fixed bug where saving a kit with multiple different samples with the same file name (eg. 1.wav) could mix up samples.
Sample: Fixed bugs where sometimes the colours of different components wouldn't update to the sample colour.
Browser: Fix to force the Browser to rescan the database if the database cache file can't be found.
Browser: Fixed bug where samples inside Loops or Drum Kits could not be previewed or revealed in the OS.



 - Feature Update

New User Account, Licensing, and Expansion pack systems.
Authorization can now be done via website.
Atlas now remembers your log in.
New Expansion Pack Manager.
Numerous small bug fixes and performance improvements.


2.3.2 - 2.3.4

 - Bugfix Updates

Stability + performance update.
Recommended update.
Improved compatibility with MacOS Ventura.
Fixed some a few random crashes that happened on certain OS/DAW combinations.  
Fixed crash bug that could happen when using Atlas with multiple audio outputs. 
Fixed bug where the Advanced Sample waveform would sometimes draw incorrectly.



 - Feature Update

Bug fix update + Improved 'Favorite Samples' feature.
Recommended update.
Feature: Show Map Favorites is now a Map Filter. It can now be combined with other Map filters.
Fixed bug 'Dark Sound on Render'. (was a sample rate conversion issue that happened when modifying pitch)
Fixed bug 'Export sometimes renders wrong channels'.
Fixed 'Crash on load' bug that could happen when a default Map wasn't set.
Fixed bug 'MIDI Map -> New Sequence doesn't always work'.
Fixed bug 'Select on Trigger always brings Atlas plugin window to the front'.
Fixed bug 'Sometimes the first note in Sequencer doesn't play'.
Improved some of the sort behavior in Map List mode.



 - Feature Update

New Modulation options
Velocity to Parameter modulation: Use note velocity to influence parameters like Filter and Pitch. Useful for more natural beats and creative effects. 

Tip 1: Turn OFF the 'Velocity -> Gain' so you can really hear what the other mods are doing while changing them.
Tip 2: You can have negative modulation which will keep the parameter at normal value at full velocity but lower it at lower velocities. This is different to a lot of synths but natural for drum sounds.
Advanced Sample panel - Redesigned UI to now have tabs. Lots of new space for... things.
Bugfix: Fixed bug where sometimes samples would not load at the correct pitch when the DAW sample-rate is not 44,100.
Standalone now has hotkeys for Undo, Redo.



 - Bugfix Update

Recommended bugfix update.
Map Filter - Folder Tree: Selecting 'none' now only unticks the root folders. Makes it easier to select just the sub-folders you want to see.
Map Filter - Text Search: You can now choose to search the FILE name AND/OR the FOLDER name. 
Map List: Hotswap sample into drum slot. Right-click list item or press 'Left Arrow' key.
Map: If a map is has a lot of samples the Galaxy mode dots will now be smaller. Makes it much easier to navigate.
App: Added option to allow Mono output from Atlas. Useful in Standalone when outputting to different Audio Interface channels. (right-click Drum panel header -> Channel Setup -> Mono )
Map: Fixed for occasional crash in map loading code. This crash would also happen at startup occasionally.
Apple Logic DAW: Fixed bug where Apple Logic projects saved with older versions of Atlas in Mono mode would not load.
Linux: Improved compatibility with some hosts.



Bugfix update mostly for Browser crash.
IMPORTANT Bugfix: Fixed crash that could happen on some Browser functions (eg. deleting an item).
Bugfix: Similar Samples panel was blocking the map from being clicked even when hidden.



Mostly an important bugfix update but also introduces Native Mac Silicon support and better compatibility with older versions of MacOS.
IMPORTANT Bugfix: Fixed some samples not being categorized correctly. This meant some categories were wrong or some samples were not getting into the map. Maps created with Atlas 2.1 will need a FULL REBUILD (hold shift when clicking rebuild).
Bugfix: Maximize sequencer window is now correct size in 1x8 and 2x8 drum kit modes.
Bugfix: Fixed missing drag image when dragging sample from map or drum kit.
Bugfix: Sequencer 'Velocity always editable' setting now working correctly.
Bugfix: VST3 multichannel outs now working in Reaper and other DAWs. (VST3 only)
Bugfix: Fixed Linux project load/save. (Linux only)
Bugfix: Linux drag-drop to other apps improvements. (Linux only)
Bugfix: Fixed bug where some MIDI files wouldn't import.
Bugfix: Fixed crash that occasionally happened in Reaper when doing an Undo. (may happen in other DAWs too)
FEATURE: Native Mac Silicon version.
FEATURE: Atlas should now run on older versions of MacOS.



FEATURE: Similar Samples. See similar samples in the map to any sample loaded in the Drum Kit.
FEATURE: Correct Category. Manually update the category of a sample in the Map or in a Drum Kit.
FEATURE: Maximize Sequencer. Sequencer can now take up the entire app window. Drum waveforms are shown next to each channel.
FEATURE: Samples can now be extracted from Atlas Loop and Drum Kit files.
FEATURE: Atlas 2 for Linux.
FEATURE: ASIO soundcard support in Standalone.
FEATURE: Drag-drop multiple files onto Drum Kit. Hold CTRL/COMMAND to match to current categories.
FEATURE: Map creation. New option to analyze the sample file and folder names for categorization hints.
Map creation: Improved classification of long cymbal sounds.
Advanced Panel: Variation controls now all work with multi-selected samples.
Drum Kit: Output channel settings now persist when loading a new Drum Kit.
Drum kit: Change Drum Kit colours to match the current map. Useful for pack creators. (Hidden option: right-click Drum Kit panel title)
Browser: On an Atlas Loop double-clicking the Drum Kit and Sequence mini-icons will load them.
Browser: Database is no longer rebuilt if changing to an existing Content Folder. (now instantly loads)
Browser: Fixed Sequence Channel names.
Sequencer: Rotate sequence now adheres to Step Size.
Fixed random crash that sometimes happened on first load.
Fixed crash that could happen when saving Atlas inside a preset in Ableton or Studio One.
Fixed bug where category labels in some maps could be too small.
Fixed bug where some category labels would fade in/out at the wrong times.
Fixed occasional crash when Exporting a Loop.



Fixed bug where individual drum samples in a downloaded pack could not drag-dropped onto Drum Kit.
Fixed bug where dropping an external sample onto a Drum would not clear the 'Low Quality' flag.
Remove Map Sample now works again.
Fixed bug where Favorites set on map would sometimes not save.
Fixed bug where New Kit would clear a drum if the map didn't have that category.
Favorites from Atlas 1 maps are now imported into Atlas 2 maps during conversion.
Fixed bug where hovering over a drum would sometimes not cause the lock or randomize buttons to show.
Fixed 'Select on Trigger' setting not being saved.
Fixed 'Map Mode' setting not being saved.
Right-click to clear sequencer note.
Fixed note timing bug that occasionally happened around 4 bars.
Fixed Map (Earth mode) selected sample not always appearing when selecting via Drum Kit.
Animation system now runs faster, improving general UI performance.
Fixed rare crash that happened after a new map was created.
Atlas 2 Content folder now works be when being synced via Dropbox.
Fixed bug where reloading a loop or drum kit could sometimes cause the Advanced Panel waveform to get stuck.
Fixed Advanced Sample waveform zooming when sample is reversed.



Master Gain.
Atlas 1 drum kits now appear in Browser.
Map name now shown on UI.
Set map mode (Earth/Galaxy) default in Settings.
Fixed occasional crash on opening 'Packs Online' in Browser.
Fixed bug where sometimes lock button won't show on hover.
Sequencer on/off button tooltip.
Fixed bug where loading really long MIDI files broke the sequencer.
Fixed bug where MIDI files with uppercase file extension wouldn't load on drag-drop.



 - Feature Update

Feature update: Map Filters and List view
Major Feature: Map Filters panel. Search for samples by name, filter by category, filter by file path.
Major Feature: List map mode. See all samples in a map in a classic style sortable list. 
Feature: Use keyboard up/down arrows to adjust UI controls.
Feature: Use keyboard to enter values on UI controls.
Feature: Solo multiple drums at once.
Feature: Space-bar starts/stops Sequencer. (*standalone only)
Feature: Added Setting to use a different strategy for syncing to the DAW (audio vs timecode). This might improve syncing in some DAWs.
Feature: Improved categorization for samples dropped onto drums from outside the app.
Feature: 'New Sequence' now MIDI mappable in Settings.
Feature: Improved in-app Notification system.
Feature: Exported audio now rendered at the sample rate of the DAW.
Bugfix: Improvements to DAW -> Atlas Sequencer syncing.
Bugfix: Fixed bug where value of 'Shape Curve' control would not be loaded from a saved DAW project.
Bugfix: Fixed issues around lock buttons not appearing/disappearing when they should in 8x8 drumkit mode.



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